Khandro Nyingthig Grounding Formula
This formula is the mirror to our Khandro Nyingthig Expansion Formula, to be used during the waning phase of the moon. According to the Khandro Nyingthig cycle of esoteric Dzogchen instructions correlated by Longchen Rabjam in the 14th century, the body is essentially a system of energies in motion. These energies (rLung) flow throughout the body in a system of channels (Tib: tsa, Sanskrit: nadi), not unlike the meridian system of Chinese medicine. The most condensed form of subtle energy is tigle (Sanskrit: bindu).
During the waning phase of the moon, the active aspect of the bindu/tigle or ‘causal creative potency’ condenses downward from the crown of the head toward the soles of the feet, in the reverse of its movement during the waxing lunar phase. In order to draw these energies downward and allow this grounding free passage through the subtle channels, one is instructed to apply a special mixture of oils to the soles of the feet each day. This formula may also be applied to the navel from the 16th to the 24th of the month.
We at Future Alchemy have engaged the assistance of the Vajrayana practitioner and aromatherapy expert Shanti Dechen to formulate a perfect blend of essential oils and blessed substances according to Longchenpa’s recipe in the Khandro Nyingthig root text, to assist in this process. A few drops of our Grounding Formula is to be applied once or twice per day to the soles of the feet (and navel, see below for timing) during the waning phase of the moon. Application can be followed by meditation and yogic exercises focused on the subtle winds and channels (Tib: Tsalung/tummo). Application of this formula at night can help to bring about deep, restful sleep.
According to Longchenpa:
After the waxing lunar phase, the active aspect of the phases expands downward. By the 19th of the lunar month, it has condensed at the throat; by the 22nd to the heart; by the 25th to the navel; by the 28th to the sexual center; and by the 30th to the soles of the feet. During this time one should proceed as above (see the notes regarding our Expansion Formula for more information), and apply a mixture of various oils, honey, and nutmeg to the soles of the feet and navel area, massage the feet and warm the feet in the sun. Thus, the energies will not be disturbed and one will not fall ill. Through the control of the phases, that which is positive will increase. Through the increase and control of the active aspect of the phases, experiences of the unity of bliss and emptiness will arise and one will become fit to practice with a partner (i.e. engage in sexual yogic practices). Based on this natural process of the increase of the active aspect of the bindu, one can add the secondary ingredient of an objective support (a sexual partner).
A one dram bottle can last four to six months if applied in this way.
One practitioner who has used both of these formulas consistently for more than one year has this to say:
Some sanghas use the Indian lunar calendar, such as FPMT. I am using my local lunar cycle for this. I skip quarter moon phases and do not apply anything on that day.
Using it twice a day, 3 drops (6 in total) spread between both soles morning and evening. In the morning, on some days I feel more tired. In the evening, it’s somewhat easier to fall asleep after application. The instructions say to warm your soles beneath the sun, which I usually don’t have time for, but on the rare occasion I do this, I notice that the veins on my feet pulse very noticeably.
Once daily in the morning. I can’t count the drops as I do with the waning, because I have hair and the dropper isn’t visible. I believe I use around 5 drops a day, 5 per application. It is noticeably harder to fall asleep if I apply the expansion formula in the evening, so I usually only use it in the morning. Throughout the day I feel a strange “tension” in my head that is accompanied by a deep sense of calm. This experience is very obvious and if I didn’t experience this I’d probably have stopped using these formulas a few months ago. This is especially noticeable when I make the switch from waxing -> waning.
I think the greatest benefit that I can tell from using these formulas is the reduction in sickness. I sometimes sneeze and have a stuffy nose, but unlike before it doesn’t develop into a sickness and goes away the next day. In fact, I actually don’t remember the last time I was sick, and I’ve been using the extracts for the past year or so.
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